Callum J Verdonk The 45th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function 2020

Callum J Verdonk

Callum was a previous PhD student out of Charlie Bond's lab at the University of Western Australia, in collaboration with Josh Ramsay's lab at Curtin University. Callum's PhD focussed on a type of nitrogen-fixing bacteria called Mesorhizobia, which harboured unique chromosomal mobile genetic elements called Integrative and Conjugative Elements (ICEs). More specifically, Callum characterised the role of a DNA-binding protein in facilitating excision and transfer of these ICEs between Mesorhizobia, and used surface plasmon resonance, X-ray crystallographic structural biology and genetic manipulation to understand the molecular events instigated by this protein. Since completing his PhD, Callum has transitioned to plant-pathogenic fungi, where he now works as a Research Associate for Kar-Chun Tan at Curtin University's Centre for Crop and Disease Management.

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