Poster Presentation The 45th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function 2020

Time-resolved structural studies of Sensory Rhodopsin II (#120)

Robert Bosman 1 , Giorgia Ortolani 1 , Tinna Tinna Björg Úlfarsdóttir 1 , Swagatha Gosh 1 , Daniel James 2 , Greger Hammarin 1 , Per Börjesson 1 , Tobias Weinert 2 , Florian Dworkowski 3 , Tomizaki Takashi 3 , Joerg Standfuss 2 , Gisela Brändén 1 , Richard Neutze 1
  1. Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden
  2. Division of Biology and Chemistry–Laboratory for Biomolecular Research, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
  3. Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland

Sensory Rhodopsin II (SRII) is a photo-active integral membrane protein with seven transmembrane α-helices and a covalently bound retinal chromophore. Activation with near UV-blue light isomerizes the all-trans chromophore to a 13-cis conformation, which initiates a negative phototaxis response. SRII binds in the membrane to a transducer protein (HtrII) through which it transmits a structural signal. The aim of this work is to study the structural changes in SRII and understand how the signal propagates from SRII to its complexed transducer protein.

Time-resolved crystallography (TRX) allows protein conformational changes to be tracked with time at atomic resolution. Time-resolved Serial Millisecond Crystallography (TR-SMX) data were collected from microcrystals of SRII at the PX1 beamline of the Swiss Light Source (SLS). A steady state difference electron density map for SRII was calculated to 2.1Å diffraction. Overall, helices C and F showed clear movements, but a movement of helix-G that was previously observed for bacteriorhodopsin1 (bR) was not present. This finding is explained by hydrogen bond interactions of Thr204 increasing the rigidity of helix-G of SRII relative to bR.

Time-resolved X-ray solution scattering (TR-XSS) was used to study conformational changes in SRII and in the SRII:HtrII complex from microseconds to milliseconds. TR-XSS provides low-resolution structural information about secondary structure rearrangements in proteins and these motions are not constricted by a crystal lattice. Scattering data were recorded at ID09B of the ESRF for both SRII in isolation and when bound to HtrII. Preliminary analyses of time-dependent changes in X-ray scattering show similar movements to those previously observed for bR using TR-XSS but with the amplitude of helix motions being reduced2 for the SRII:HtrII complex. Further improvements in our routines for fitting TR-XSS data are expected to provide improved structural fits to these data and thereby reveal different conformations over time.